[Sell Offer]The following message about ssd was posted by douglas lambert03/18/2013
Last modified: 2013-03-18 00:57:08douglas lambert (91.227.222.*)
Contact Infomations
Open Directory - Chemicals - > Chemical Mineral - S.S.D SOLUTION CHEMICAL FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY
Full Name: douglas lambert Email: clean2currency@yahoo.com Mobile: N/A Company: N/A Telephone: N/A Address: N/A Postcode: N/A Website: N/A Period of validity: 30 days Related seek: Alkyne - Chemical Mineral - Others - Resin - Organic Acid - Chemicals Designing Processing - Alkene - Pharmaceutical Chemicals - Mellow - Pesticides - Others - Industrial Gas - Chemical Reagent - Others - Amine - Drugs Medications - Dyestuffs - Alkali - Chemical Machinery - Fodder Additives - Plastics & Products - Phenol - Food Additives - Ketone - Catalyzer - Pigment - Sulfone - Flavour and Fragrance - Oxide - Elementary Substance