[Sell Offer]The following message about diesel was posted by Power World Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd enya06/28/2013
Last modified: 2013-06-28 08:48:46enya (113.91.247.*)
Contact Infomations
Open Directory - Mining & Metallurgy - > Mining Machinery - Power World Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd - power world diesel generator set for the mining supply powe
Full Name: enya Email: 1105124280@qq.com Mobile: 13688812246 Company: Power World Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd Telephone: +86-0755-33850803 Address: No 24,The fourth industrial zone,HouTing Street,ShaJing Town,BaoAn District,ShenZhen China., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland) Postcode: 518104 Website: http://www.dieselgeneratorcn.com Period of validity: 500 days
Generator Set
Power World - Generator Set - Diesel Generator Experts From China[Internet Service] -
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